OVLPRO Low Profile Cylinder Brochure
OVLPRO is a low profile air cylinder with an oval piston bore in the heart of an extruded high strength aluminum body. It has a lower profile body than traditional NFPA or ISO type round bore cylinders. OVLPRO can fit into a large variety of spaces when flat or on its side. The oval piston prevents the piston rod from rotating when extending or retracting.
Watch this video to learn more:
OVLPRO provides millions of worry-free cycles. OVLPRO MX features a high performance composite rod bearing, stainless steel hard chrome plated rod and stainless steel fasteners for superior durability.
Download the brochure, which highlights the following about OVLPRO products:
- Attributes
- Performance
- Options
- Part Maps
- Applications
- Accessories